Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Work placement programme should be re-examined

NORTH side councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has called upon the Minister for Enterprise Trade and Innovation to re-examine the Work Placement Programme which is currently being operated by FÁS.

“The Work Placement Programme offers unemployed people, including unemployed graduates, the opportunity to obtain nine months work experience while on a work placement with a company. While on the work placement participants retain their social welfare status and entitlements.

“At present the programme is divided between WPP1 for unemployed graduates who have attained a full award at level seven or above on the National Framework of Qualifications. WPP2 is aimed towards unemployed people who have not attained a full award at level seven or above on the National Framework of Qualifications.

“As it stands at present there is a three to one uptake in the programme by WPP1 over WPP2.

“Hardly a week goes by when people come to me to and ask about this programme and express an interest in partaking in it. The majority of these people would fit into the WPP2 category; however they do not pick up on it, as they cannot meet the costs that go with work such as food and transport.

“That is why I have called upon the Minister to introduce a food and transport allowance to go with the scheme to encourage more people to partake in it.”

“The WPP is designed to offer unemployed people, the opportunity to obtain a number of months work experience in a work situation. Participants gain experience so they can gain experience so that they can keep their skills fresh and relevant to the job market.

“For recent graduates, they have an opportunity to apply their skill in a work situation and to get real work experience to add to their qualification.”

Cllr O’Flynn encouraged anyone interested in availing of the scheme to contact their local FÁS office or to visit

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