Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Prescription drugs now as big a danger as cannabis

Councilor Ken O’Flynn has called for a Garda crackdown on the illegal sale and abuse of prescription drugs. Councillor O’Flynn claimed that Gardai had told him that the practice of selling on legally obtained drugs was now a widespread problem in Cork and that it was only a matter of time before someone died as a result.

He called for new legislation to control the amount of drugs a person could legally carry. “If someone is in a nightclub with a months supply of a any drug it is a safe bet that they are not for personal use” he said “ the abuse of prescription drugs is now a major problem in Cork and we need to tackle it.

”He also urged Doctors to exercise greater care in handing out prescriptions. “Anyone can lose a prescription or a bottle of pills, but if they do so every week its time to alert the authorities”

Councillor O’Flynn has called for the setting up of a taskforce consisting of representatives from the Gardai, Doctors and Pharmacist to look at the most effective ways of tackling the problem.

The abuse and trafficking of prescription drugs, including painkillers and stimulants, has overtaken the use of nearly all illegal drugs with the sole exception of cannabis, the United Nations drug control board has warned. The International Narcotics Control Board says the demand for painkillers, stimulants, sedatives and tranquillisers is so great that a global counterfeit market is rapidly developing. The INCB report says the problem is most intense in Brazil, Argentina, Korea, the US, Singapore and Hong Kong. Control measures have proved successful in France, Denmark and Chile

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