Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn calls for cabinet reshuffle

Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn calls for cabinet reshuffle
With the coming re-appointment of Junior Ministers, Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn has expressed his hope that the Taoiseach would consider making a cabinet reshuffle. Cllr O’Flynn said; “I am not advocating a Night of the Long Knifes or anything like that. I just feel that there are certain ministers who have progressed beyond their political sell by date.” Since the current cabinet came into existence there has been much public hostility towards the cabinet as a whole with hardly any minister escaping the wrath of either the press or the public. This is something that Cllr. O’Flynn says he has found at first hand on the canvasses he has been conducting since his cooption in December. On this the councillor said; “There are some very weak links in the ministerial chain, I have found that the public sentiments agree with this.”

Cllr. O’Flynn went on to say; “There are a lot of untapped talents on the back benches that I think that it can be drawn from. I think that the Taoiseach could take bold steps in appointing not only those long serving TD’s who have proven capable public servants, but younger backbenchers who can bring a new dynamic to politics.” In closing the councillor supported the action being taken by the Taoiseach, to get Ireland back on its feet and to get the country working again; “We have had a boom. But all is not lost. We now need the type of leadership that promotes the entrepreneurs, perhaps in the green economy, which is an industry with limitless possibilities we need to be promoting small home-grown business. So that can grow into larger industry. Essentially what we need in this country is quick decisive leadership. Leadership that does not worry and is not concerned by popularity. The type of leadership that looks to the next generation, not to the next election.”

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