Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Why are you standing for Cork City Council?
I got involved in politics to help change peoples lives for the better, too often we accept the way things are, rather than the way things should be. I am standing for the people in Cork that need their to have their voices heard

I have been listening to people in Dublin Hill, Ballyvolane Blackpool, the Glen, Shandon, Farranree, and Gurranabraher.
I know only to well the concerns of the elderly people, many of them afraid to leave there homes after 6 pm in the evening, because of anti social behaviour and crime in the area.
The ordinary working man and woman's biggest concern is if he or she has a job next week with the amount of companies relocating to India and south America and so on; or the single mother with children trying to educate and feed her children on a tight budget; I know the need of a young couples trying to pay a Mortgage for a home that is worth 30% less than they originally paid, and the needs of parents of a child with special needs that is in a class that is far to big and not getting the attention the child needs.
I know the need of these people only to well; I am standing up for them.

What experience do you have?
I ran a successful business in Spain for a number of years (insert detail)
I have been active in community affairs and local politics since I joined Fianna Fail, my first election was canvassing for my dad in the 1991 local election. I stood outside the Glen Hall in Blackpool with a board asking people to vote for my Dad.

I've worked on Brian Crowley's election campaigns, the by election and general election campaign, and the 1997 the presidential election, I was Munster treasure for Fianna Fail Ogra in 1995.I am currently working as Parliamentary Adviser to Noel O Flynn T.D. this has given me a huge insight into the challenges facing people in the constituency and indeed in the city.

What do you think of the current economic situation?
We have had 12 years of prosperity we have been a leading economy in Europe under Fianna Fail’s leadership.
However the reality is that the whole world is now in economic free fall from the USA to China.
We have hard times ahead of us we need to make the hard and unpopular decisions as some one in business I know only to well, we need to streamline from the top down, not from the bottom up.
We need to re-examine tax on the super rich; we need to look at the tax breaks that Artists can claim I think it is crazy that a singer or dancer can earn up two250k a year with out paying tax on it.
I think it is wrong to be sending money out of the country in social welfare benefits all social welfare benefits should be collected in the local Post offices not sent to bank accounts all around the globe.
What are the major challenges for the City of Cork and what do you intend to do about it?
As a Council we are in a time of economic difficulty we are burdened with a heavy responsibility.
Cork has faced many changes and challenges we have had both highs and lows, good times and bad times but we have always come out stronger
I believe Cork has a lot going for it.
• Our plan to rebuild Shandon Butter Exchange;
• Our Docklands Project:
• Our on going commitment to Tourism and Culture these plans are noble but yet not enough.

Dublin and Belfast are linking more and more each day, Limerick and Galway the same, and the continuous threat of Waterford City battling for its place in the South. If you note ongoing advertising of Waterford Port; how prime it is for industry and trade with Europe and USA, portraying that it is the natural gateway to Europe essentially stealing the true identity of Cork City, it is about time we fought back with our own visionary plan.

We have problems with anti social behavior being in our City from the center to the suburbs, and I understand that a great deal of our City budget is spent every year in repairing vandalism. There is a simple solution all that needs to be done on this, is we take away the opportunity for the crime to be perpetrated; we must keep the grass cut low; close off rat runs used to avoid the Gardai and light the areas that these thugs are congregating; we must have a real zero tolerance not a just talked about one.

It is my understanding that a number of houses purchased by Cork City Council have not been allocated and some of these homes are now falling into disrepair one example that comes to mind was a house purchased by Cork City Council over 11 months ago it has been broken in to three times a six thousand Euro kitchen has been removed all the windows are now broken and subsequently boarded up, to put this house back to the state it was bought in, will now cost the City Council over 15 thousand Euros this has no rhyme or reason with over five thousand people on the housing list. Frankly that is not acceptable.
Unemployment is now a growing problem in Cork what do you intend to do about it?
This is something of huge concern to my constituency I am very concerned about this, the top priority is that we keep jobs in Cork. The election of Barack Obama will not be helpful in relation to the American Companies. From what he's said I don't think Ireland is even on his radar, which worries me. So as a City Councillor I will do all in my power to work at keeping these all important American jobs in Cork.
Also I will be writing to the business community for their thoughts and ideas and producing a report based on their feedback.
What influence can a Councilor have on politics or on the lives of the people of Cork?
Well any Councilor is only as good as his last job. I think if I do anything positive or negative it'll reflect on my performance in June, my priority is to work for the people of Cork. They are my constituents and their wishes are paramount.
Do you agree with a freeze on rates and services charges?
Do you believe that we should have a property tax for residential homes?

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