Wednesday, April 28, 2010

€10 million to be spent in The Glen

COUNCILLOR Kenneth O’Flynn has welcomed the news that €10 million will be spent in the Glen in the next two years.

This will include the demolishment of the Errigal Heights flats as well as the as the building of 58 new housing units.

Cllr O’Flynn said, “I am delighted with this news and think it is very good news for The Glen and the north side as a whole. Under the housing scheme, 43 three-bed units will be built, 12 two-bed units and three one-bedroom units.

“This will help revitalise the area and bring new people and families into the Glen community. I am particularly glad that work on the demolition will be carried out. “The flats in their current states have acted as a haven for anti-social behaviour and caused a great deal of stress and anxiety for local residents. Thankfully those days will shortly be behind us as the Glen continues to develop.

“This would not have happened without the continued work of local residents and I wish to pay tribute to the residents who have worked closely with me for the betterment of the Glen,” he said.

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