Thursday, June 24, 2010

We need to Establish a Grot busting unit

Fianna Fáil Cork City Councillor, Kenneth O’Flynn has called upon the Council to establish a grot busting unit.Speaking on the issue, O’Flynn said; “In the U.K. the ‘Grot-Busters’ campaign has proven hugely effective in seeking the clean up of many areas and in particular the tidying up of so many scruffy buildings.” If introduced the plan would see Cork City Council “Grot-Busters” going out to
private buildings or areas in need of cleaning and then carrying out this work. After this work would be carried out the person who owns the property would be made to foot the bill. The Councillor believes that such a plan would go a long way to making people more responsible not just for their own properties, but in the case of green zones or wastelands in private ownership. Whereby the securing and maintenance of these areas would be improved to avoid any fining or indeed prison sentencing on failing to pay for the work carried out by

O’Flynn believes this coupled with greater education of the public against illegal dumping and the need to maintain buildings to an acceptable standard within a local community will go a long way in helping to aesthetically rejuvenate communities as well as fostering greater personal responsibility among individuals. Councillor O’Flynn says he will be meeting shortly with Council officials to impress upon them the merits of this scheme.