Thursday, June 24, 2010

“That this Council would put in place a blanket ban on bonfires in the City 365 days a year.

That this Council would put in place a blanket ban on bonfires in the City 365 days a year.

Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has placed a motion before Cork City
Council which reads; “That this Council would put in place a blanket
ban on bonfires in the City 365 days a year. In particular the 23 June
would no longer be known as ‘Bonfire Night’ but rather ‘Community BBQ
Night’ similar to block parties that are organised in the United
States.” Speaking on why he placed this motion before the Council
O’Flynn said; “I think the days of bonfires are past us. Not only do
they create temporary unsightly smells and smog clouds in some cases,
they also give people an unwarranted excuse to burn rubbish and other
household waste.”

Cllr. O’Flynn said the symbolism of bonfire night, which began in
pre-Christian times and was adopted as part of Saint John’s Eve
following the arrival of Christianity to Ireland has no relevance in
modern Ireland. He said; “In its present form bonfire night is an
excuse for vandalism and anti-social behaviour and each year the
emergency services are placed under tremendous pressure as a
consequence bonfire night.”

So what does the Fianna Fáil Councillor have in mind instead of the
bonfire night; “I would prefer to see communities holding block
parties with a BBQ, games and fun events organised around it. I think
that while the positive aspect of bonfire night has always been the
Community input, this has been hijacked by those who simply start
fires on the night without any regard for anyone else.”

Councillor O’Flynn believes replacing bonfire night with a community
night which he is at present calling; ‘Community BBQ Night’ will be a
great way for communities to organise events in a way to brings people
together for the purpose of having a fun night that is inclusive of
all the community.