Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cork Opera House

Northside Fianna Fáil Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has called on the City Manager to suspend the board of the Opera House in the wake of the decision to close the theatre from 4 July until 29 September.

The Blackpool based Councillor said; “I am flabbergasted that at the height of the city’s tourist trade, we are without one of the most iconic sites in our City. Cork City without the Opera House is like Paris without the Eiffel Tower.”

While two Events will be honoured during the temporary closure include Daniel O’Donnell concerts and an Aprés Match show, Cllr. O’Flynn said that this is; “not good enough. While I am glad that the Opera House is honouring to stage what will be successful shows, to think that only 2,000 will avail of the theatre over the summer is disheartening.”

The Councillor believes the City Manager needs to suspend the board while a full investigation into the matter is carried out by Cork City Council. Speaking on this O’Flynn said; “This is the people’s Opera House and it was their money that built it. The people of Cork love
their Opera House and they deserve nothing less to receive answers as to why in the second city in Ireland is on the brink of maybe losing its main theatre.”

With a background in the Arts, O’Flynn believes that now is the time people with a knowledge of both business and culture should come together to save this important part of City life.