Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Expel to Israeli Ambassador

Cork based Fianna Fáil Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has impressed upon Minister Michéal Martin to expel to Israeli Ambassador to Ireland in light of this weeks attack by Israeli Commandos upon Humanitarian Aid Ships bound to Gaza. Speaking to journalists on this issue the Councillor said; “As well as the state sponsored apartheid of Palestinians by the State of Israel, it now seems that the Israeli Government wishes to up the ante and starve the Palestinian people into total submission. The very fact that the blockade excludes all supplies into the Gaza Strip begs the question what is Israel’s real intention in the area.”

The Fianna Fáil Councillor was also critical of the United States silence on the matter stating; “We have in the past seen in cases like Northern Ireland and South Africa it was only by international pressure and most importantly by the United States that a deal was brokered that brought about peace.

I think now that if America as the policeman of the world, takes off its rose tinted glasses in relation to Israel and see’s what is happening that it might force the Israeli’s to enter into meaningful dialogue with the Palestinian authority to end the blockade and return to working towards building a lasting Peace Settlement in the Middle East.”

The Councillor concluded; “As part of this International Pressure, I think the best way that Ireland can act is to expel the Israeli Ambassador and to make clear to the State of Israel, that we as a people who have forged our National Identity in the face of colonial oppression, naturally support the Palestinian cause for Self-Determination. While this cause is being stagnated and denied by the State of Israel, Ireland must act upon principle and with a sense of Justice and fair play and until Israel begins to embark on a similar path we must continue to put International pressure upon