Thursday, November 4, 2010

Relevant Council Departments will meet together to discuss moving away from the bonfire night

Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has welcomed the announcement by Cork City Council, that following a motion he placed before them, the relevant Council Departments will meet together to discuss moving away from the bonfire night and towards more community based activities for 23 June.

The original motion to Cork City Council was as follows; “That this Council would put in place a blanket ban on bonfires in the City 365 days a year. In particular the 23 June would no longer be known as ‘Bonfire Night’ but rather ‘Community BBQ Night’ similar to block parties that are organised in the United States.”

Speaking on the new plans in place by the Council O’Flynn said; “I welcome this move by the Council. Bonfire night has become an excuse for vandalism and anti-social behaviour and each year the emergency services are placed under tremendous pressure as a consequence bonfire night.

O’Flynn continued; “I hope as a result of this action by the Council we will see communities holding block parties with a BBQ, games and fun events organised around it. I think that while the positive aspect of bonfire night has always been the Community input, this has been hijacked by those who simply start fires on the night without any regard for anyone else.”

In Cllr. O’Flynn’s opinion the new scheme will be a great way for communities to organise events in a way to brings people together for the purpose of having a fun night that is inclusive of all the community.

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