Thursday, November 4, 2010

Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn welcomed the announcement that the Christmas Market will take place again this year

Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn welcomed the announcement that the Christmas Market will take place again this year. Councillor O’Flynn said that the event last year was very successful and it gives a good boost to the city centre and adds a positive atmosphere to the Grand Parade and really captures the mood of the season. “With there being so much doom and gloom going around at the moment, I feel free events like this are what is needed to lift peoples spirits. Not only will it benefit the other traders in the city, but it will encourage people from outside the city to come and visit Cork.”

Councillor O’Flynn went on to say; “Last year alone over 120,000 visited the Market and this year it is hope numbers will be larger. I know of people who came from across Munster and further a field and they will be returning again this year to visit the Christmas market.”

While the event has been announced, plans still remain in place to ensure the success of the event. Councillor O’Flynn from his own interest in the project promises to examine and work closely with event planning committee to ensure that the Cork City Christmas Market becomes a major event in the cities calendar and something that people everywhere

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