Thursday, November 4, 2010

O’Flynn welcomes Senior Citizen Announcement

O’Flynn welcomes Senior Citizen Announcement

Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has welcomed the announcement that following a motion he put before Cork City Council, the Council will write to all Senior Citizens, informing them of the relevant Council authorise to deal with any queries which they might have.
In his original motion Councillor O’Flynn called for the establishment of a senior citizen liaison officer that would be able to deal with issues such as housing allocation, housing maintenance, grants, waiver forms and other issues which effect older people in Cork City.
The announcement that the City will now provide Senior Citizens with contact details of City Officials is a welcome one according to the Northside based Councillor. Speaking on this O’Flynn said; “I found many of our Senior Citizens were having great difficulty in contacting the Council and as such I felt it was the duty of the Council to make it easier to do so and improve communication. I think that this is a most welcome step in the right direction.”
Speaking on his reason for putting forward the motion initially O’Flynn said; “meeting regularly with Senior Citizen groups, I found they experienced a lot of confusion when dealing with City Council and felt that they are being bounced from pillar to post in dealing with various issues. In some cases they were only provided with an email address to make contact with the relevant authorities which was not always feasible. This announcement thus is a welcome improvement and one I am glad to support fully.”

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