Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stronger line needed against dog fouling

THE Chairman of Cork City Council’s Environment Committee, Cllr Kenneth O’Flynn has called on the Director of Environment and the Director of Services for Recreation and Amenity, to come together and take a vigorous approach to tackling dog fouling in the City.

Cllr O’Flynn said, “It is time for City Council to spearhead a proactive campaign to make people aware that dog fouling is a real problem in the city and one which needs to be tackled.

“Firstly, it is a health risk. Roundworm eggs in dog faeces can cause blindness, epilepsy, asthma and eye infections. The worm eggs can survive in the soil even after it’s rained, so children playing on grass are much more at risk. The bacteria can cause sickness and diarrhoea. It’s socially unacceptable. As well as this it spoils the environment around people’s homes.

“In the last three years there have only been two prosecutions in relation to dog fouling. This is unacceptable. People need to realise that this is a crime and one that will no longer be taken lightly and prosecutions will have to be made and fines delivered.”

Cllr O’Flynn said he hopes that any scheme embarked on will include the schools in the city and extend awareness of the health risk posed by dog fouling.

“This will highlight the seriousness of this issue and result in the Council and public taking action against dog fouling,” he said.

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