Friday, March 11, 2011

Fine Gael – Big on Gimmicks, Short on Action says Fianna Fáil Councillor, Kenneth O’Flynn

The appointment of 15 Ministers of States by Taoiseach Enda Kenny is a slap in the face to the many people who voted Fine Gael and Labour thinking that they would bring about a new type of politics in Ireland’, said Fianna Fáil Cllr. Kenneth N. O'Flynn
Responding to the announcement that 9 Fine Gael TD’s and 6 Labour TD’s would assume Ministerial responsibility for various areas, Cllr. O’Flynn said:

“Fine Gael introduced a bill not that long ago into the Oireachtas attempting to reduce the number of Ministers of State to 12 instead of the then 15.”

“Now as soon as they have power, they reverse their position in a cynical attempt to give a job to as many people in their bloated parliamentary parties as possible’
‘The people voted for change on the 25th February. My party will play a constructive role in opposition but issues such as the hiporacy of Fine Gael and Labour must be highlighted – The people deserve honest. What other policy positions will Fine Gael and Labour reverse in the weeks and months ahead’ concluded Cllr. O’Flynn

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