Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Plan to deal with derelict buildings by City Council is a welcome move

Plan to deal with derelict buildings by City Council is a welcome move – Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn

‘The plan being put together by the City Manager, Tim Lucy to help deal with the scourge of derelict buildings in the City is a welcome initiative’ said Northside Fianna Fáil Councillor, Kenneth O’Flynn

‘At present, there are approximately 140 sites at various stages of dereliction throughout the city. Many of these derelict properties are to be found in Blackpool, Shandon Street, Barrack Street and the city centre’ added Cllr. O’Flynn.

‘I have been informed that Cork City Council is in continuous contact with the owners of properties in an effort to try and resolve this important issue for local businesses and residents. I am delighted to see that the City Manager is taking such a proactive and determined approach to this issue and to ensure that it is dealt with as speedily and efficiently as possible’

‘As part of the Cork City Council plan, the Shandon Street area will have a new Painting Scheme; The Blackpool, Shandon, and North Main Street areas will see a new scheme focused on upgrading buildings while the City Centre will benefit from the upgrading of historical buildings designed to allow existing buildings be brought back into use’ added Cllr. O’Flynn

‘The city is working with the probation services to develop a graffiti removal project to rapidly improve the public environment in the city’

‘The City Council is only able to do so much. Many owners of properties want to develop them and make them usable but require the banks to release funding to enable them finish off the developments. I am calling on the Government to force the banks to do more to support these entrepreneurs by allowing them bring life into the city and surrounding neighbourhoods’ concluded Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn.


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