Friday, February 17, 2012

Cultural Ambassadors for Cork City

Cultural Ambassadors for Cork City.

Northside Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has today welcomed comments by Director of Services who is committed to engaging with stakeholders from Social, Cultural, Business and Education sectors to find a number of Cultural Ambassadors for Cork City.

Councillor O’Flynn who proposed the Cultural Ambassador Programme that would see well known Cork public figures from the arts, cultural and sports arena promoting festivals and events and shopping in Cork City.

O’Flynn said “that now more than ever we need to be using Cork’s famous sons and daughters for promoting the City”. O’Flynn went on to say “in a number of countries Ambassador programmes have worked with great success in the economic promotion of cities and districts. I would also like to see an Ambassador programme being rolled out for international students. I have witnessed first hand this scheme being ran in Spain where international students are bringing cities and towns to the attention of their friends and families in different countries and encouraging them to visit.”

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