Friday, February 24, 2012

O’Flynn calls on Government to change rules to allow Single Parents take part in Job Bridge

Cynical attempt by Fine Gael and Labour to massage the Live Register

Cork City Councillor, Kenneth O’Flynn is calling for the Government to urgently address an anomaly in the Social Welfare legislation that prohibits people in receipt of the One Parent Family Payment from gaining access to the Job Bridge Scheme which was designed to get people back into the work force.

‘This is a totally unjust and inexcusable situation. Where is the sense is not allowing these people gain access to internships which will further their chances of gaining employment’ said the Fianna Fáil Councillor.

‘Fine Gael and Labour are targeting those in receipt of this payment far more than others. Many single parents find it very difficult to transition into the workforce and internships are a very important tool in giving them the skills to make them more employable’ added Cllr. O’Flynn.

‘Many single parents have come into my constituency office in the last few weeks deeply annoyed that they are ineligible. They are asking “why are Government picking on us?”’

This is a cynical attempt by the Government to reduce the Live Register to make themselves look good rather than focusing on helping everyone who needs support in returning to work

‘Fine Gael and Labour should be ashamed of themselves’ concluded Cllr. O’Flynn

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cultural Ambassadors for Cork City

Cultural Ambassadors for Cork City.

Northside Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn has today welcomed comments by Director of Services who is committed to engaging with stakeholders from Social, Cultural, Business and Education sectors to find a number of Cultural Ambassadors for Cork City.

Councillor O’Flynn who proposed the Cultural Ambassador Programme that would see well known Cork public figures from the arts, cultural and sports arena promoting festivals and events and shopping in Cork City.

O’Flynn said “that now more than ever we need to be using Cork’s famous sons and daughters for promoting the City”. O’Flynn went on to say “in a number of countries Ambassador programmes have worked with great success in the economic promotion of cities and districts. I would also like to see an Ambassador programme being rolled out for international students. I have witnessed first hand this scheme being ran in Spain where international students are bringing cities and towns to the attention of their friends and families in different countries and encouraging them to visit.”

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Information Bulletin

New 'one-stop' shops are to be established in each county and city council to facilitate the start-up of small businesses. The new units known as "Local Enterprise Offices' will sit firmly within the county/city council structure. The councils will absorb the County Enterprise Board functions and dovetail them with those of the Business Support Units in each county to form the new Local Enterprise Offices. The fact that the new Enterprise offices will sit within the County/City Council structure will be viewed as a welcome development.

Extract from Department of the Environment statement:

'The “One Stop Shops” will be called “Local Enterprise Offices” and will build on the significant work done by the CEBs to date. The new “one-stop-shop” micro enterprise support structure will be achieved through the dissolution of the existing CEBs and the creation of a new Micro Enterprise and Small Business Unit in Enterprise Ireland (EI) that will work with Local Authorities to establish a new network of Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) in each Local Authority.

The LEOs will be mandated to provide a range of supports and services to all local micro enterprises who seek such supports. Essentially, the LEOs will carry out the combined work of the CEBs and the Business Support Units of the Local Authorities.

The new LEOs will offer:

• Local business advisory services (licensing, regulation, planning, etc);

• Information and support for accessing the local procurement process;

• Close coupling to NEES (National Employment and Entitlements Service) /SOLAS (Seirbhísí Oideachais Leanunaigh agus Scileanna) services (referrals, access to training/development/recruitment);

• Access to micro-business supports/incentives (finance, innovation, marketing, mentoring, management development); and

• Progression for high-growth companies to appropriate EI supports."

Friday, February 3, 2012

It's not rocket science

Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are still struggling to raise money from banks despite an agreement between lenders and the government, a report has revealed

SMEs are increasingly looking to give away stakes in their companies in return for cash

government's strategy of rebalancing the economy is not working we need reduce the risk and improve access to finance for small and medium businesses Startups and small firms should be right at the heart of our economic plan.

we need to be cutting the amount of rules and regulations so that businesses can have more freedom to grow.

"By removing unnecessary barriers to growth and providing more finance and mentoring opportunities for SMEs we are creating a positive business environment that will help boost economic growth
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