Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Motions before Cork City Council Council for the last six months


A. That Cork City Council call the government to recognise That significant cost differential and limited bandwidth not only puts the Cork region at a severe economic disadvantage to attract investment it also poses challenges to retain existing industry whose bandwidth needs are continuing to expand

B. And that a Tier 1 international connectivity is essential if Cork is to realise its potential and support the development of new digital industries
C.And acknowledges the recent Forfás report confirms that the games industry globally is expected to grow to $82.5 billion by 2015, and that Ireland has the potential to more than double its employment in core games activities to 4,500 people. However, this growth requires availability of and access to competitively-priced next generation broadband. The report acknowledges that Ireland lags behind its competitors in terms of next generation networks and services

Cllr Kenneth N. O'Flynn


That Cork City Council

A. notes the significant contribution made to the economy by commercial rate payers; accepts that many small businesses are experiencing difficulty in paying their rates to local authorities and that this is contributing to the closure of businesses across the country and job losses;

B. agrees that the re-valuation exercise currently being undertaken by the Valuation Office will take too long to roll out across the country with most local authorities not addressing a rate reduction in any meaningful way;

C. asserts that the current system makes no allowance for ability to pay or changed economic circumstances and that the valuation system and charges setting mechanisms are archaic and complex;

D. further notes that the Local Government Efficiency Review Group has identified savings of €511 million that can be made in the sector;

E. calls on the Government to immediately commit to a review of the present rates system and identify better and fairer alternatives such as a self assessment method;

F. further calls on the Government to immediately begin a process of substantial commercial valuation reduction across each local authority in the country;

G. advocates that the Government implements an effective rebate and refund scheme for small businesses;

H. further advocates that the Government introduce a rate system which is user friendly and recognises economic circumstances and the ability to pay;

I. calls on the Government specifically to delete the subsequent occupier clause and apply that retrospectively

J. urges the Government to ensure that seasonality is taken into account in calculating the valuation of business properties that are fully closed for a significant part of the year;

K. advocates that the Government grant a 50% reduction on the rates charged on offshore islands in view of the additional cost of doing business in the islands;

L. urges the Government to implement immediately the recommendations of the Local Government Efficiency Review Group.”

Cllr Kenneth N. O'Flynn

24 nov 11

The Motion of Cork City Council
Cork City Council replaces all the cobblestone work in Chapel Hill Shandon with new cobblestone

Cllr Kenneth O'Flynn PC

23 nov 11
That Cork City Council Calls on the Government to commit to an urgent review of local authority rates with a view to introducing a much fairer and more reasonable system for local businesses.

22 Nov
That Cork City Council calls on the government two

A. keep their promise made by Ruairi Quinn TD, as Labour Spokesperson on Education four days before the General Election held on the 25th February to the Union of Students of Ireland not to implement student fees nor increase the Student registration fee and to reverse the increase of €500 made the last Government
B. oppose the decision to reduce grant aid to those students pursuing Masters, Post Grad, Higher Diplomas and PhD level courses

C. for acknowledgement of the need for a properly funded 3rd and 4th Level Education system that allows all students attend regardless of their financial background

Cllr Kenneth N. O'Flynn


That cork city council call on the Minster of finance to provide much needed funding for the docklands bridge and development.

Motion for Council

That Cork City Council open Cork City Hall Concert hall on a Sunday afternoon by-monthly, to facilitate a senior citizen tea dance inviting all senior citizen groups from across the city to take part.

Kenneth N. O'Flynn

24- oct-2011
That cork city council develop an application for smart phones giving detailed city guide of the following:
1. Hotels
2. Restaurants
3. Shops
4. arts and craft
5. Farmers Markets
6. Nightlife, entertainment and cinema
7. Tourism
8. Culture
9. Art
10. Festival information
11. touristic activities
12. Golf course
13. Taxi and rent a car
14. Essentials
15. Maps.
16. Spa
17. Sporting events

Funding may be found for this by way of selling advertising on the application making it Self supporting

Kenneth N. O'Flynn

15- oct -11

That Cork City Council introduce a full ban on election posters throughout the city and ensure that postings can only be used on private billboards or on private property.


That Cork City Council introduce an incentive program for commercial ratepayers who are continuously upgrading the appearance of their property in the city.


That a role of Cultural Ambassador be established on Cork City Council. The role should be occupied by a well-known public figure that has worked in the arts and cultural arena. The ambassadorship would be primarily to promote festivals and events in Cork and the advancement of Cork as the cultural hub of Ireland.

29 sep
Motion for Council

That Cork City Council immediately cleans out the River Bride and cut back all branches protruding over the river and neighbouring gardens

28 Sep
That Cork City Council in conjunction with An Garda Siochana install CCTV in Kerry Hall Road and Fair Hill
Cllr Kenneth O’Flynn P.C.

28 Sep
Motion for Council

That Cork City Council install traffic claming measures on Assumption Road
Councillor Kenneth O'Flynn

18/8/2011: Motion for Cork City Council

That Cork City Council introduce A Non-motorised passenger transporter bye laws

With Requirements, of the following:
1. Issue of Licence
2. Obligation to obtain a Licence.
3. Fee for Licence
4. Designated Hiring Stands
5. Number of Licences granted annually
6. Requirements for issue of Licence
7. Particulars on Licence
8. Conditions of Licence
9. Right of Appeal
10.Obligation to present valid licence for inspection.
11.Renewal of Licence
12.Return of, and re-issue of Licence
13.Indemnity from Liability
14.Obligation of operator for repair and cleanliness of vehicle
15.Conditions for parking of vehicle
16.Issue and Display of Assigned Licence number on vehicle
17.Permitted number of passengers in respect of Rickshaw
18.Prohibition on certain parts of City where Rickshaws /Hackney carriages shall not be operated through at any time.
19.Permitted number of passengers in respect of Hackney carriage
20.Suitability of Horse(s)
21.Condition on Treatment of Horse(s)
22.Conditions for operator on conduct of Horse(s)
23.Obligation for management and disposal of waste
24.Rules of Conduct for Proprietor/Driver of Rickshaw/Hackney carriage
25.Obligation to provide vehicle with adequate lighting
26.Obligation to display Schedule of Fares
27.Prohibition on placement of advertising signage in public areas
28.Prohibition the operation of non-motorised commercial transporters and other non- motorised passenger vehicles
29.Return and Transfer of Licence
30.Falsified documents
32.Non-Compliance with Bye-Laws and Contravention of Bye-Law

Kenneth N. O'Flynn

Motion for Council

That Cork City Council in conjunction with Cork County Council create an exploratory research committee with responsibility for maximizing Corks harbour potential for both boats and yachts races and maritime events

Kenneth N. O'Flynn

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