Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Minister under pressure to fund Community warden scheme

THE Minister of Environment will come under increased pressure over the coming week to find funding to continue the Community Warden Scheme in Cork City according to Fianna Fáil councillor Kenneth O’Flynn.

The scheme was described by Cllr O’Flynn as “one of the shining examples of how has put a human face to its role in managing the city. The community warden has become an important contact point for the all in the community.

“Community wardens work in the city has been a valuable contribution to all the community. It would be a disaster if we were to let it all go to waste”.

The Fianna Fáil group in Cork City Council have moved a motion requesting the Minister for Environment, Phil Hogan, to find alternative funding for the Community Warden Scheme.

The City Manager confirmed that funding from the Department of the Environment for the Community Warden Scheme had been reduced by 50 per cent. However he also gave a commitment to try to find alternative money within the council’s budget to maintain the service.

“We have 16 councillors members of the government parties, they now need to use their influence and deliver for the city,” said Cllr O’Flynn.

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