Thursday, October 28, 2010

Encourage entrepreneurs

Encourage entrepreneurs

Cllr. Kenneth O'Flynn has placed a motion before Cork City Council calling on the Council to introduced staggered rates new business wishing to set up in the City. Speaking on this O’Flynn said; “As part of my motion I called for the Council to introduce staggered rates whereby in the first year the person setting up the business would not have to pay rates, in the second year they would only pay half rates and in the final year quarter rates.” Councillor O’Flynn stated that he believes such a plan will allow entrepreneurs a foothold in the City to establish their business and he believes that they would thrive over the three years, without being burdened by full rates.

Councillor O’Flynn stated that City Council should concern itself more with encouraging the establishment and growth of business in the City, rather then putting barriers in its way. He believes that motions such as this are steps towards encouraging growth and assisting business people to not just get their business started but to make them successful.

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