Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bike Sharing Scheme

Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn has welcomed a reply to a motion that he put before Cork City Council, in which he called upon the Council to implement a bike sharing scheme. In the reply the Roads Control Division and representatives of the Planning Department have begun to investigate the options available to fund public amenity projects such as the Public Bike Scheme.

Cllr. O’Flynn welcomed what he says is; “the first step in the right direction by the Council in relation to this scheme.” Bicycle sharing are increasingly popular, a number of bicycles are made available for shared use by individuals who do not own the bicycles. Public bicycles are a mobility service, mainly useful in urban environment for proximity travels. It is able to remove three difficulties of daily cycling use: home parking, theft and maintenance of your private bicycle.

The reasons for implementing bicycle sharing systems are as numerous as the forms the systems take. Recently and most notably, municipal governments, including Dublin City Council, have promoted systems as part of intermodal transportation, allowing people to shift easily from other forms of transport to bicycle and back again. However, for years community groups have promoted bicycle sharing as an easily
accessible alternative to motorized travel, hoping to reduce the carbon footprint of commuting as well as enable residents to become healthier through exercise.

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