Thursday, May 20, 2010

Economy is turning – Fine Gael’s policies will hold it Back” says O’Flynn

Economy is turning – Fine Gael’s policies will hold it Back” says O’Flynn

Fianna Fáil County Councillor, Kenneth N O’Flynn has today criticised the financially reckless policies in the Fine Gael Jobs Documents entitled ‘ NewEra’

Central to the Fine Gael proposals is to raid the National Pension Reserve Fund and to borrow more money to implement policies that are already substantially contained in the Government’s own ‘smart’ economy plan. In their document, Fine Gael says that we should ‘introduce smart meters, electric Vehicles and green energy proposals.’

‘Perhaps if they listened to recent government announcements, they would realise that all of these proposals are being implemented by the Government. This is classic Fine Gael strategy – pretend that you are coming up with ideas but just steal them off Fianna Fáil’ added Cllr. O'Flynn.

Fianna Fáil in Government is focusing on priority areas such as competitiveness; human capital; innovation; infrastructure; green economy; and trade in order to reenergize the jobs market. This is part of the Government’s ‘Jobs and Growth 2010’ strategy.

The economy is stabilising. Consumer sentiment is back to levels last seen in early 2008; exports have been incredibly resilient and are now driving our economy and the latest exchequer returns showed that revenues were now on target for the period to the end of April. Now is the time for smart thinking not reckless Fine Gael policies concluded Cllr O’Flynn