Thursday, June 14, 2012

Community Funding Boost for the North Side

Community organisations across the North side of the City will receive a massive boost with the confirmation that a series of funding of over forty thousand euro will be granted. The funding, ranging from €350 to €6,000, was announced at a recent meeting of Cork City Council’s Community Development Committee.

  The funding approved by the committee and totalling €63,638 will go towards the upgrading and refurbishment of 14 community premises as well as a continuation of the summer play scheme. The funding follows a further €142,000 which was approved by the Development Committee last August. The approval of this funding has been welcomed all round. Speaking about the announcement leading North side Councillor Kenneth O’Flynn said ‘I am delighted that Cork City Council has continued to support this vital work with a further granting of funds. The work done by these voluntary organisations in helping the community cannot be underestimated and I am pleased that despite a significant reduction in the Councils budget we are still able to support these projects.’

The Fianna Fail Councillor particularly welcomed the Community Development grants for the Farranree Summer School and the surrounding the area. Councillor O’Flynn went on to say that ‘The works for the Farranree community centre will see a number of repairs to the both the inside and outside of the building. Furthermore over €6,000 will be allocated for the Farranree Summer Play Scheme. This is a great resource for parents and children and will run from the 3rd to the 27th of July.’
Councillor O’Flynn also had words of praise for improvements in areas such as Blarney Street and Shandon ‘The physical work that will be carried for groups such as the Blarney Street Community association will see the final phase of repair projects on gates, railings and play centres being completed but it is also important to mention that support for events such as the Shandon Street festival will give a huge boost to lifting the community spirit and local economy.’

Councillor O’Flynn thanked the community groups for their continued commitment to such worthy causes ‘It is always astounds me to see the commitment of the volunteers in the area and the community centres. There is always some activity for people to enjoy be it for senior citizens or the promotion of the summer camps for children and long may it continue.’

End Statement

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