Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Senior Citizens must be protected at all costs - O'Flynn

Northside Councillor Kenneth O'Flynn has today launched a blistering attack on IMF recommendations which include the cutting of free travel and medical cards for the over 70's.

'The IMF has recently told the Fine Gael / Labour Government to find savings by scrapping free schemes for the elderly and in particular those schemes which are of most use and support to one of the most vulnerable sectors of our community. Included in the draconian recommendations are the supports to help older people pay for their electricity and gas, their TV license, free travel and medical card scheme' said Cllr. O'Flynn.

'This is by far the most worrying and upsetting proposal to come from the Troika. While in Government, my party spared this sector of society from regressive cuts because it was this generation who endured the very tough 1950's and1960's and contributed so much to Ireland's economic growth in the 1970's and 1980's'

'Fine Gael and Labour have a choice to make. Will they tow the Troika line with regard to these cuts or will they follow Fianna Fáil's lead in reducing the impact of budget cuts on this important sector of society' asked Cllr. O'Flynn.

'The Governments decision not to exempt the elderly from the Household Charge and Labour's U-Turn on reversing the Universal Social Charge mean that our pensioners are facing tough choices when it comes to spending their money. Will they have to chose between food and heat?'

'These schemes are much more than payments to older people. They give them independence, allow them to keep in touch with their friends and family and have a better quality of life' argued Cllr. O'Flynn.

O'Flynn went on to say that he will opposed these regressive and shortsighted attacks on the elderly even if it means 'taking to the streets'.

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