Friday, March 30, 2012


Deadlines for applications

Online applications and those made in Irish (and hard copy of the signed application form and all supporting documentation) must reach the Department by 5pm on Friday 1st June 2012. We cannot accept supporting documentation by email or online.
Paper based applications (and all supporting documentation) must reach the Department by 5pm on Friday 11th May 2012.

2012 Sports Capital Programme Applications
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
New Road
Co. Kerry

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Applications are invited for the Painting Grant Scheme
2012. The aim of the painting grant scheme is to
improve the character and appearance of historic
areas of Cork City and to make them more attractive
to live and do business in.
The 2012 scheme targets the Shandon Street area and
North Main Street Architectural Conservation Area.
The area in which properties are eligible to apply
includes: Shandon Street; North Main Street; South
Main Street; and Castle Street, amongst others. A map
can be seen on the website [see address below].
Grants are available to assist owners and occupiers of
premises with the cost of undertaking painting work
necessary to improve building elevations fronting onto
the street in the defined area. Premises can be
commercial or mixed residential/commercial. The level
of funding available is up to 50% of the total cost of
eligible works, and up to a maximum value of €600
per building. Alternatively, if labour is provided by the
applicant then 100% of the cost of materials would be
met by a grant up to a maximum of €300.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications
is Friday, 27th April 2012 and qualifying applicants
will have until Friday, 31st August 2012 to submit a
payment claim to the Council under the Scheme.
Grant allocations are made on a competitive basis
and applications must be supported by competitive
quotations from tax compliant contractors / suppliers.
Details of the scheme and application forms may be
obtained from the City Councils website, or the
Planning Policy Section, Strategic Planning and
Economic Development Directorate, Cork City Council,
City Hall, Cork:
Phone: (021) 4924757 / Fax: (021) 4924712
Pat Ledwidge, Director of Services,
Strategic Planning & Economic Development.
Tuesday, 27th March

Applications are invited for the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) Grant Scheme 2012.

City Centre to Blackpool, and includes: the North Main Street ACA; the Shandon Street area the Blackpool,Gerard Griffin Street, GreatWilliam O’Brien Street and Thomas Davis Street area.

Cork City has 32 ACAs. The City Council has allocated
funds to assist the owners or occupiers of historic
buildings in the “scheme area 2012” to undertake
works necessary to secure their conservation. The level
of funding available is up to 50% of the total cost of
eligible works, and up to a maximum value of
€10,000 per building. The scheme is not intended to
assist in carrying out routine maintenance, alterations
or improvements. The scheme does not apply to works
begun before the commencement of the scheme.
The scheme area extends along Cork’s “historic spine”
from the City Centre to Blackpool, and includes: the
North Main Street ACA; the Shandon Street area
[forming part of the Shandon ACA] and the Blackpool
ACA, which includes Gerard Griffin Street, Great
William O’Brien Street and Thomas Davis Street. A
map of the defined area can be found on the website.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications
is Friday, 11th May 2012 and qualifying applicants
will have until Friday, 9th November 2012 to submit a
payment claim to the Council under the Scheme. The
fund is limited and grant allocations are made on a
competitive basis. Applications must be supported by
competitive quotations from tax compliant contractors.
Details of the scheme and application forms may be
obtained from the Planning Policy Section, Strategic
Planning and Economic Development Directorate,
Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork, or by the following
Phone: (021) 4924757 / Fax: (021) 4924712
Pat Ledwidge, Director of Services,
Strategic Planning & Economic Development.
Tuesday, 27th March 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012



Thursday 16 Feb 2012 13:26 PM


Road closures will be in place from 11.45. Merchants Quay will be kept open to traffic travelling west and north over Patrick's Bridge.

Sunday18th and Monday 19th March - Free Family Entertainment and market on Patrick Street from 10.00a.m. to 6p.m.

Visit for further details.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Compulsory Purchase Order on the Blarney Square

Blarney Man and Cork City Councillor, Kenneth O’Flynn is calling on his counterparts in Cork County Council to make a Compulsory Purchase Order on the square in the centre of Blarney.

Cllr. O’Flynn who grew up in Blarney feels very strongly about this issue especially in light of the problems being felt by the organisers of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Farmers Market in securing the square for use over the Bank Holiday Weekend.

Last year, a farmers and craft market took place providing hours of entertaining to local people. Included among the activities were traditional Irish music, dancing, and artistic and gymnastic displays.

‘I was asked by local residents in the Blarney area to engage with the owner of the square, Sir Charles Colthurst as an honest broker. Despite my best efforts, no resolution could be found with regard to the public liability insurance requests being made by Sir. Charles and the Farmer’s Market will now take place at Blarney GAA grounds

‘It is an absolute shame that the regulations being imposed on the organisers are forcing it to leave the Square and find another home. This cannot happen again and this is why Cork County Council should CPO the square’ added Cllr. O’Flynn

‘This will take the burden off the Colthurst family in terms of regulating these activities and ensuring that the people of Blarney are able to enjoy this important amenity for years to come’

‘I will be raising this issue and the need for a CPO at the next Joint Meeting between Cork City and County Councils. It is too important to ignore and action is now needed’ concluded Cllr. O’Flynn.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Plan to deal with derelict buildings by City Council is a welcome move

Plan to deal with derelict buildings by City Council is a welcome move – Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn

‘The plan being put together by the City Manager, Tim Lucy to help deal with the scourge of derelict buildings in the City is a welcome initiative’ said Northside Fianna Fáil Councillor, Kenneth O’Flynn

‘At present, there are approximately 140 sites at various stages of dereliction throughout the city. Many of these derelict properties are to be found in Blackpool, Shandon Street, Barrack Street and the city centre’ added Cllr. O’Flynn.

‘I have been informed that Cork City Council is in continuous contact with the owners of properties in an effort to try and resolve this important issue for local businesses and residents. I am delighted to see that the City Manager is taking such a proactive and determined approach to this issue and to ensure that it is dealt with as speedily and efficiently as possible’

‘As part of the Cork City Council plan, the Shandon Street area will have a new Painting Scheme; The Blackpool, Shandon, and North Main Street areas will see a new scheme focused on upgrading buildings while the City Centre will benefit from the upgrading of historical buildings designed to allow existing buildings be brought back into use’ added Cllr. O’Flynn

‘The city is working with the probation services to develop a graffiti removal project to rapidly improve the public environment in the city’

‘The City Council is only able to do so much. Many owners of properties want to develop them and make them usable but require the banks to release funding to enable them finish off the developments. I am calling on the Government to force the banks to do more to support these entrepreneurs by allowing them bring life into the city and surrounding neighbourhoods’ concluded Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn.


Monday, March 12, 2012

comprehensive database of key contacts internationally

Cork City Council Motion
That Cork City Council will create a comprehensive database of key contacts internationally, consolidating the information received from project reports city departments/ organisations, building up a ‘map’ of figures internationally who have already supported Cork interests that can be used as a resource for future international projects. 
Currently each organisation who travels internationally from Cork builds up their own international links (generally a slow ‘trial and error approach of sending out blind emails) but there is no coordinated city effort to sustain these newly forged ties after the project is over. When the next organisation who goes abroad, this process starts from the beginning again, trying to form new ties, which are then exclusive to the organisation, and often fade if the event organised is just a once off. This is a key issue in why long term plans for international relations are hard to form. Mutual contacts/personal recommendations are the most effective way for organisations to make an impact when they travel internationally.
When any organisation supported by the City Council goes abroad, a key element of their report should be to outline the contacts they have made, stating the field in which they are based, how the contact was made, and how they can be contacted again.
This information is included into an international ‘map’ of contacts that are divided into various industries and artistic fields within each city. With each contact, information included would be the history of the city’s contact with that figure/organisation. Thus, the city can put organisations travelling abroad in direct contact with the key people in the region that they are travelling to, people who have a track record of supporting Cork City projects.
(The issue of how much personal information that could be given out from this database would have to be investigated. If the giving out of contact details was not possible, the city could put the organisation looking to travel abroad in touch with the original organisation who made the contacts, who could then make the introduction. This is far more effective than organisations blindly sending out letters introducing themselves. )

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Senior Citizens must be protected at all costs - O'Flynn

Northside Councillor Kenneth O'Flynn has today launched a blistering attack on IMF recommendations which include the cutting of free travel and medical cards for the over 70's.

'The IMF has recently told the Fine Gael / Labour Government to find savings by scrapping free schemes for the elderly and in particular those schemes which are of most use and support to one of the most vulnerable sectors of our community. Included in the draconian recommendations are the supports to help older people pay for their electricity and gas, their TV license, free travel and medical card scheme' said Cllr. O'Flynn.

'This is by far the most worrying and upsetting proposal to come from the Troika. While in Government, my party spared this sector of society from regressive cuts because it was this generation who endured the very tough 1950's and1960's and contributed so much to Ireland's economic growth in the 1970's and 1980's'

'Fine Gael and Labour have a choice to make. Will they tow the Troika line with regard to these cuts or will they follow Fianna Fáil's lead in reducing the impact of budget cuts on this important sector of society' asked Cllr. O'Flynn.

'The Governments decision not to exempt the elderly from the Household Charge and Labour's U-Turn on reversing the Universal Social Charge mean that our pensioners are facing tough choices when it comes to spending their money. Will they have to chose between food and heat?'

'These schemes are much more than payments to older people. They give them independence, allow them to keep in touch with their friends and family and have a better quality of life' argued Cllr. O'Flynn.

O'Flynn went on to say that he will opposed these regressive and shortsighted attacks on the elderly even if it means 'taking to the streets'.