Monday, August 29, 2011

O’Flynn proposes new By-Laws to deal with Rickshaws in Cork City

Cllr Kenneth O’Flynn has today placed an important motion regarding the need to introduced by-laws for non-motorised transportation before Cork City Council.

Cllr. O’Flynn who represents the Cork North Central Ward has placed this motion before the Council due to recent concerns raised by members of the public and business community regarding rickshaws being used in the city centre.

Many of these rickshaws are blocking access to trader’s premises or not following simple rules of the road such as obeying One Way Traffic signs. This must stop’ said the Northside representative.

We must introduce licensing requirements for rickshaws and other non-motorised passenger transport as a matter of urgency. In the wrong hands, these transporters can be very dangerous to the driver, passengers and the general public’ said Cllr. O’Flynn.

The City Council must follow the lead of Galway City Council who have taken on this issue head on and introduced by-laws that are effective’ added Cllr. O’Flynn

I am calling on all members of Cork City Council to support and adopt the by-laws that I have proposed. This will ensure proper regulation and road safety’ concluded Cllr. O’Flynn

Text of Motion below.

Text of Proposed Motion

That Cork City Council introduce A Non-motorised passenger transporter bye laws

With Requirements, of the following:

1. Issue of Licence

2. Obligation to obtain a Licence.

3. Fee for Licence

4. Designated Hiring Stands

5. Number of Licences granted annually

6. Requirements for issue of Licence

7. Particulars on Licence

8. Conditions of Licence

9. Right of Appeal

10.Obligation to present valid licence for inspection.

11.Renewal of Licence

12.Return of, and re-issue of Licence

13.Indemnity from Liability

14.Obligation of operator for repair and cleanliness of vehicle

15.Conditions for parking of vehicle

16.Issue and Display of Assigned Licence number on vehicle

17.Permitted number of passengers in respect of Rickshaw

18.Prohibition on certain parts of City where Rickshaws /Hackney carriages shall not be operated through at any time.

19.Permitted number of passengers in respect of Hackney carriage

20.Suitability of Horse(s)

21.Condition on Treatment of Horse(s)

22.Conditions for operator on conduct of Horse(s)

23.Obligation for management and disposal of waste

24.Rules of Conduct for Proprietor/Driver of Rickshaw/Hackney carriage

25.Obligation to provide vehicle with adequate lighting

26.Obligation to display Schedule of Fares

27.Prohibition on placement of advertising signage in public areas

28.Prohibition the operation of non-motorised commercial transporters and other non- motorised passenger vehicles

29.Return and Transfer of Licence

30.Falsified documents


32.Non-Compliance with Bye-Laws and Contravention of Bye-Law